About Rejeuve
Hi, I'm Kim Vopni.
Also known as "The Vagina Coach".
I help women overcome their pelvic floor challenges like incontinence, constipation, and pelvic organ prolapse, with fitness and lifestyle modifications.
But I don't stop there...
I help women rediscover what they're capable of, and help them live strong, healthy lives.
I'm a health nut.
I love nerding out on everything related to exercise, nutrition and pelvic health.
I also take a lot of supplements. I believe they're essential for optimal health.
This is why I created Rejeuve.
I wanted to combine all the best supplements - the ones with the most benefit - into custom formulations for me and my clients.
And I wanted them to be created by people I know and trust.
This is how Rejeuve was born.
Strengthen & Support your pelvic floor, and the rest of your body while you're at it.